COVID19 SmartRapid™ Test powered by One Milo, Inc

Russell Leigh
4 min readFeb 29, 2020


One Milo SARS CoV-2 IgG IgM SmartRapid™

One Milo is now taking orders for its COVID-19 IgG IgM Smart-tech enabled qualitative immunoassay for the rapid detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to COVID-19 in human finger prick whole blood specimens.

One Milo’s proprietary smart-tech enabled technology seamlessly reports the test to the cloud where medical professionals can review results in real-time in centralized locations from anytime and anywhere point-of-care testing. The ecosystem includes clinical analytics for all tests. Results read at Ten Minutes.

Labs cannot conveniently and economically provide point-of-care testing for chronic care management or address the globalization of infectious diseases. Inconvenience prevents the monitoring of wellbeing in order to change behavior and improve health. Limited self-screening diagnostics reduce opportunities for early detection.

Real-time seamless reporting of IgG and IgM Coronavirus 2019 Rapid Test results to the cloud.

About Us

One Milo, Inc (“Milo”) developed a Connected Health Ecosystem powered by proprietary systems for point-of-care and self testing diagnostics. The purpose of the system is to deliver precision medicine to mass populations for the purposes of bringing clinical and economic improvements to patient care.

The system incorporates smart-tech enabled test strips, a hand held analyzer and companion apps for patients, care providers and medical professionals to monitor tests in real-time.

The platform allows for the monitoring of the most common chronic conditions like high cholesterol, diabetes and thyroid disease as well as diagnostic tests for infectious diseases & tumor markers like PSA & a 100 others.


Milo won the NASAiTech’s Juried Cycle III in 2018 and was scouted from over 600 companies by Generali, the worlds second largest insurer, as one of four companies to represent the future of Health and Welfare and Milo joined their accelerator

NASAiTech is an initiative by NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) and aims to find innovative ideas that have the potential to overcome critical technology hurdles facing future exploration of the Moon and Mars, even though many were originally meant to solve important problems here on Earth.

Generali Welion is a connected health initiative originated by Generali, the third largest insurer in the world.

Coronavirus in the words of the Center for Disease Control (CDC)

“CDC is responding to an outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus that was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and which has now been detected in 57 locations internationally, including cases in the United States. The virus has been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”).

On January 30, 2020, the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC). On January 31, 2020, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex M. Azar II declared a public health emergency (PHE) for the United States to aid the nation’s healthcare community in responding to COVID-19.”

The One Milo SmartRapid™️ Test

Test performance provides four possible results:

IgM -, IgG -

You have either never been infected with Coronavirus or you have been infected in the last few days and you have not yet developed detectable antibodies to the virus. If symptoms or suspicion of disease persists, repeat the test every 48 hours for one week.

gM +, IgG -
It is likely that you have been infected with Coronavirus in the last 5–10 days

IgM +, IgG +
It is likely that you were infected with Coronavirus in the last few months

IgM -, IgG +
It is likely that you were infected with Coronavirus months to years ago

The Test & Applications

One Milo’s Smart-Tech Enabled 2019-nCoV IgG IgM SmartRapid™️ Test offers care providers, stakeholders and regulatory authoroties the ability to monitor stages of infection in real-time from a centralized location.

As a smart test is read, mapped to both a patient and care provider or payor, the system creates a natural audit trail of time, location and result which is updated to a cloud and One Milo’s Care provider system.

The geolocated test provides indications of the stage of the infection from recent to weeks and months ago. Most importantly the results are synched seamlessly in real-time to One Milo’s centralized clinical analytical system.

One Milo’s technology creates many applications for changing behavior and monitoring health trends which are the largest drivers of changing health outcomes. The aim is to disrupt diagnostics to realize the interdependent goals of: Improving Outcomes; Enhancing Care Coordination; Maximizing Clinical Efficiency; Driving Consumer Engagement; and Reducing Costs.

The patent-pending product ecosystem includes telemedicine integrated into the One Milo App, offering consumers a seamless experiences of purchasing professional usage, lab diagnostics over-the-counter, self performing finger prick tests anytime and anywhere and receiving a report from those tests from their care provider.

Additional One Milo systems for health population management and clinical analytics with a CDC algorithm for Health Risk Assessments, provide best of breed ecosystem from test to stakeholder engagement.

One Milo represents a systemic change to health systems, advancing clinical and economic efficiencies of patient care into the connected age.


The OneMilo API enables applications to be independently developed with connection to all aspects of the product ecosystem from the smart test strips to health analytics in the cloud.

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